About me

2023 - 2027
BSc Multimedia Production,
Fachhochschule Graubünden
Currently I am pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Multimedia Production, where I am deepening my knowledge in various areas. This practice-oriented program immerses me in the multimedia world, covering corporate communication, journalism, marketing, event management, design, film production, UX design and animation.
2021 - 2023
Vocational baccalaureate,
I pursued a vocational baccalaureate with a focus on Design and Art. In addition to the foundational subjects,
I gained advanced knowledge in graphic design and art.
2018 - 2021
Commercial apprenticeship,
KV Zürich
I completed my commercial apprenticeship (KV) in the Profile E. Throughout this time, I gained advanced knowledge in economics.
2022 - now
Associate in HR,
In my position in the HR department, my primary focus is on reviewing applications, organizing interviews, and recruiting trainees throughout the German-speaking part of Switzerland.
Additionally, I support social media initiatives for apprentices and contribute to managing PwC's TikTok account (@pwcswitzerland).
Furthermore, I am responsible for creating employment contracts, managing the HC mailbox and HC hotline, and overseeing the onboarding process for freelancers and hourly workers in the audit department.
2021 - 2021
Associate in TLS Support4You,
After completing my apprenticeship, I had the opportunity to continue working at PwC. In this role, I was responsible for invoicing in the tax and legal advisory department and managed tasks related to risk management.
2018 - 2021
I completed my apprenticeship at PricewaterhouseCoopers with a focus on services and administration. During these three years, I acquired fundamental knowledge and rotated to a different department every six months. I gained valuable experience in HC Marketing, Recruiting, Diversity and Inclusion, Global Mobility, Billing, Human Capital
Office 365
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Indesign
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe After Effects
Adobe XD
Java Script